News from the activities of the project EInMu


This international online event that took place on 14th of May 2021 celebrated the International Museum Day.
Each partner of the project invited a museum educator from his/her country to present the museum where he/she works in from a new perspective, that of the relationship between the museum and the school. Participants discussed about the recognition of the value of the museum exhibits as well as about the museum as an alternative learning source, as a venue for non-formal education.


The Second Transnational Meeting of the partners on the project “Inclusive and interactive education in museums: sharing of good practices – EInMU” took place on 28th of July 2021, in Iaşi, Romania.
During this meeting, partners presented examples of good practices collected until that moment, they discussed about the organization of the upcoming activities and about the dissemination of the project.
The meeting was productive and efficient. A face-to- face meeting brought communication, clarification and great added value to the project.
After the working sessions, the representatives of partner organizations had the opportunity to get acquainted with Romanian culture, museums and get ideas for further activities.


All project partners actively participated in the dissemination of the planned activities. They organized dissemination workshops and events, presentations of the topic, objectives and activities of the project.

The partners disseminated also the poster and the leaflet of the project. The project news, the examples of good practices and the materials created have been disseminated on the partners’ website or Facebook page.

A project Facebook page ( has been created and regularly posted throughout this first project part of the year. This tool aims not only at spreading information, but also sharing opinions, getting feedback, joining discussions in order to provoke a more individual reflection on the subjects. Page got 603 likes until now and it has 603 followers.


  •      Short-term joint staff training event ”Exchange, share, enrich each other”
  •      Short-term joint staff training event ”Create and implement interdisciplinary lesson plans”
  •      Preparing the e-book including interdisciplinary lessons plans

Articolo a cura di Maria Giovanna Romaniello